
日本鳥取大學池口等人的一項研究分析了褐藻糖膠是否能夠保護癌症患者不受抗癌藥物毒性侵害。噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、全身疲勞以及骨髓抑制是抗癌藥物的普遍副作用。例如:Oxaliplatin會特別引起外周神經病變。 A study by Ikeguchi and others at Tottori University in Japan analyzed whether fucoidan can protect cancer patients from the toxicity of anticancer drugs. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general fatigue, and bone marrow suppression are common side effects of anticancer drugs. For example: Oxaliplatin can cause peripheral neuropathy in particular. They found that when rectal cancer patients take fucoidan during chemotherapy, it can suppress the side effects of the patient’s systemic fatigue. It is undeniable that the side effects of fatigue have been shown to reduce the quality of life of patients, affect their nutritional intake, increase the incidence, and fatigue in the body may have a negative impact on the dose intensity of chemotherapy drugs. Iop et al. (Iop et al) used the National Cancer Institute CTC standard to classify fatigue. Almost 30% of chemotherapy patients have the side effects of systemic fatigue. In the current study, fatigue levels 2 and 3 occurred in 60% of rectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In this study, patients taking fucoidan not only did not have the side effects of fatigue, but also continued to complete the course of chemotherapy. Moreover, fucoidan did not affect the anti-cancer drugs or had other adverse reactions. 他們發現當直腸癌患者在化療期間服用褐藻糖膠,能夠抑制患者全身疲勞的副作用。無可否認,疲勞的副作用已證明會降低病人的生活質素,影響他們的營養攝取,增加發病率,而且身體出現疲勞有可能對化療藥物劑量強度有負面影響。 They found that when rectal cancer patients take fucoidan during chemotherapy, it can suppress the side effects of the patient’s systemic fatigue. It is undeniable that the side effects of fatigue have been shown to reduce the quality of life of patients, affect their nutritional intake, increase the incidence, and fatigue in the body may have a negative impact on the dose intensity of chemotherapy drugs. 洛普(Iop et al)等人用美國國家癌症研究所CTC標準對疲勞作出分級,幾乎30%的化療患者中都出現全身疲勞的副作用。目前的研究中,60%的化療直腸癌患者中出現疲勞級別2和3。在該研究中,服用褐藻糖膠的患者不但沒有出現疲勞的副作用,更能持續完成化療療程,而且,褐藻糖膠沒有影響到抗癌藥物,或出現其他不良反應。 Iop et al. (Iop et al) used the National Cancer Institute CTC standard to classify fatigue. Almost 30% of chemotherapy patients have the side effects of systemic fatigue. In the current study, fatigue levels 2 and 3 occurred in 60% of rectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In this study, patients taking fucoidan not only did not have the side effects of fatigue, but also continued to complete the course of chemotherapy. Moreover, fucoidan did not affect the anti-cancer drugs or had other adverse reactions. Blog 11032016.jpg



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